The 5S method is a powerful Lean Manufacturing tool for order and cleanliness applied in production systems and widely used in industrial engineering in general. It is also a mandatory practice in any quality management system.
5S methodology consists of 5 Japanese words that start with the letter S: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke, which can be translated into English as: Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain.
The following table presents the 5S in their Japanese and English definitions, along with a brief explanation of each concept and its objective:
In Japanese | In English | Concept | Objective |
Seiri | Sort | Distinguish between what is necessary and unnecessary | Eliminate what is not needed |
Seiton | Set in Order | Organize necessary items so they are easy to find | Eliminate searching |
Seiso | Shine | Clean regularly to inspect | Prevent issues and eliminate recurring problems |
Seiketsu | Standardize | Normalize and train personnel to the standard | Ensure the preservation of the obtained state |
Shitsuke | Sustain | Commit to the norms and standards | Seek continuous improvement |
Here, you should continuously question: “What is this for?” “Who needs it?” “How often is it used?”
Here, the questions to answer are: What? Where? How many? and Why?
This involves regular cleaning with the additional objective of inspecting equipment and elements.
The goal here is to ensure the preservation of the obtained state.
Lastly, and most importantly, Shitsuke seeks to involve all participants in respecting the standards and in pursuing continuous improvement.
Below, we break down each of these principles focused on business application. This lean-manufacturing tool is one of the most important pillars of continuous improvement, Kaizen.
The first step involves eliminating the unnecessary. Identify and remove items that are not essential for daily operations. This includes broken tools, obsolete documents, and unused equipment. Keep only what is essential.
Organize the workspace efficiently. Every item should have a designated place. Clearly label everything for easy identification and ensure objects are placed in an orderly manner to avoid wasting time searching for them.
Maintain a clean and orderly work environment. Encourage daily cleaning and regular inspections to ensure everything functions correctly. Constant cleaning reduces the risk of accidents and increases efficiency.
Establish clear standards and procedures for all employees to follow. This ensures practices are consistent and facilitates the training of new employees.
Encourage discipline and responsibility in the organization to maintain the established standards. Conduct regular audits to verify that the 5S are being followed.
The 5S address several common problems in the business environment:
Implementing the 5S offers numerous benefits, including:
In summary, the application of the 5S methodology is essential to achieving an efficient, safe, and high-quality work environment. By following the principles of Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain, companies can solve common problems, increase productivity, and reduce operational costs. Implementing the 5S not only benefits the company but also its employees, creating a more pleasant and motivating work environment. If you’re looking to optimize your operations, consider implementing the 5S as a crucial step in your continuous improvement journey.